Gaspar AI Platform

One platform for all employee issues!

Our AI helpdesk for employee support empowers your teams to perform tasks, find answers and take informed decisions.

A quick look

A quick look

Take a tour to experience our AI helpdesk software's main features for employee support

The Gaspar AI helpdesk platform

Generative AI Virtual Agent

The most helpful AI assistant

The most helpful AI assistant

Available on Slack, MS Teams and Jira SM support portal, our intuitive Virtual agent makes it smooth and easy for employees to solve their issues in seconds. They simply have a conversation with Gaspar, our always-accessible AI chatbot. It is trained on best-in-class LLMs and uses Natural Language Processing to understand employee questions' context and intent.

Our advanced dialog management capabilities ensure that employees have natural, human-like, interactive conversations. Gaspar can dynamically ask follow-up questions and combine multiple plugins until users get accurate solutions.

No-code workflows

Seamless workflow automation

Seamless workflow automation

Use Gaspar AI's workflows to easily automate complex processes, and automatically fulfill repetitive tasks such as employee onboarding and offboarding.

No coding skills needed! Our easy-to-use templates allow your teams to create multiple flows, deciding which features and actions to enable. They can then easily deploy them whenever needed.

Admin Hub

The go-to destination for your IT managers

The go-to destination for your IT managers

Dashboard: Explore and explain the impact of your AI helpdesk by reviewing key performance metrics.

Employee insights: Gaspar AI groups employee issues and uncovers what’s blocking their productivity.

Recommendations: Identify high-impact automation, content, and process improvements at the click of a button.

Reporting: Summarize the most important charts and data for your leadership team.

Benchmarks: Compare service performance over time and take action when needed.

Workflows: Create custom workflows to automate repetitive processes.

Unlock 100+ automations

Gaspar AI seamlessly integrates with your favorite tools to empower your teams with 100+ automations across different departments and systems.

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21-day Free Trial

Get started today for free - no credit card needed! Your free trial includes unlimited access for 21 days, with an AI chatbot on Slack and MS Teams, workflow automation and Proactive Insights. Deployment in just 30 minutes! *By submitting, you agree to our Privacy Policy.