Microsoft Teams Integration

Generative AI helpdesk for instant employee support on MS Teams

Seamless Microsoft Teams integration for effortless AI-powered employee support! Our Generative AI chatbot automatically resolves 40% of issues through natural language. From password resets to time-off requests, our LLM-trained chatbot understands user intent and offers context-aware solutions, deflecting tickets and reducing manual work.


Issues automatically resolved


Less manual work for your helpdesk teams


Happier employees

Gaspar AI & MS Teams Integration Key Features

Automated resolution

Gaspar AI’s Generative AI chatbot automatically and instantly resolves 40% of employee issues without human intervention, powered by LLMs and 3rd party plugins. Most common problems addressed include password resets, software provisioning, group and email management, and more!

Automated resolution

Automated approvals

Make it easy for everyone to ask for time-off or access the channels, folders and groups they need but not the ones they don't. The process happens on MS Teams for both the requester and the approver, and they can track the request’s status on the same platform.

Automated approvals

Instant, accurate, human-like answers

Your workforce can instantly find information - HR policies, IT troubleshooting and more just by asking our AI Virtual Agent. It searches articles, documents and data across knowledge bases and repositories, and can ask follow-up questions until employees get the exact answer.

Instant, accurate, human-like answers

Hassle-free, automated ticketing

In case of auto-resolution, a ticket is automatically created on your ITSM platform. If the chatbot can't resolve the issue, it facilitates handoff to the right agent with easy ticket creation and smart routing.

Hassle-free, automated ticketing


Integration Setup